Monday, September 19, 2011

My younger sister

Olla everyone!!! It's been months, I never write anything on my blog, my undergraduate thesis which takes too much of my attention. Unfortunately, I yet graduate by the time I type this post, mwahahahaha.. *pathetic. Lately, I'm busy with my thesis and help my parents selling traditional food from South Sumatra. It's "PEMPEK", who's like it? You can call me if you wanna eat those delicious, and cheap food. I guarantee the price and the taste. Ahahaha!!! Sounds like a failed promotion, huh?!
Since last August 2011, I didn't stay on my boarding house because I run out the rent, and I didn't take any longer rent. Honestly, I still want to stay at Solo and doing my thesis peacefully but I have a little bit problem with my financial. Now, I always ask my friend to keep me while I stay at Solo. Dian Nurkhayati and Nunung Kusumawardani are my savior. They have a very big social sense. I owe a lot to you guys!!! <3 There's a difference while I stay at my home in Magelang. A little baby girl named Avara Aprianissa Andromeda make fullfil the house. She is my younger sister. She was born on April 25th 2011. And here she is

Ummm.. there's some funny story on her name. My father and my stepmother didn't prepare names for their new baby. All the family member was hoping the baby's gonna be a baby boy. In fact, God give us a cute baby girl. Then, my father asked me to search some names option for the baby. I gave him two (2) option after a long search on the internet, easy but a little bit exhausted me, hahaha. The option is 'Tsurayaa' from Arabic means 'stars' and 'Avara' from Sanksekerta word means 'the younger'. Finally they took Avara for the baby name. I made an acronime joke about the baby name, Avara is a short out of 'Anak Valing Larang' in bahasa Jawa which means the more expensive baby. I told my father, and he started to laugh out with my joke. I made that joke because my younger sister was born by caesar operation in Panagaran, Lampung, Sumatra. Don't take it seriously, it's only and only a joke. I love my Avara (younger sister) damnmuch!!!, she makes my relationship better with my stepmother! I hope it lasts forever and my family happily ever after, ameeen :)

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